It's a Girl!!!
Here she is. This was the best profile picture we got. The video is way better. She was moving all over the place, very active. I was almost afraid we weren't going to find out the gender because the tech had so much trouble getting her to lay still to get a good shot for us. When I watch the video now, it's obvious. But she wouldn't lay still long enough for out tech to freeze the frame. We might have another Dylan on our hands as far as the energy level goes. I was so nervous when we got there that something was going to be wrong with the baby. I didn't have a preference for boy or girl so I didn't think about that much, although I was excited to find out. When the tech said "you see those 3 little white lines" I knew it was girl, thanks to Stacey explaining her ultrasound pictures to me. I looked at Gene and said "It's a girl" He was ecstatic. His face just lit up, just like when we found we were having a boy the first time.
She moves around so much now, and it makes everything feel real. It's going to be so different this time. I have never in my life, well once with Morganne, changed a girls diaper. It will be a learning experience for me. And the fact that we get to buy pink is so exciting. Now I am by no means frills and lace, but I do like girlie stuff. I'm glad Gene's sister is having a little girl, they will only be 2 months apart, since my side has 6 boys already. I need John and Stacey to move back up here so the girls will be able to grow up together. Hopefully that will happen eventually, until then we will have to settle for yearly vacations to Florida. Luckily with Holly having a girl too there will be one girl up here for her to play with, that we know. I have a few other friends that are pregnant that we don't know what they are having yet.
I will say I am very nervous about raising a girl, more so than raising a boy. I'm not sure why. I think it's those high school years, they intimidate me. Good thing Holly is going to go through it first with Morganne, maybe she can give me some pointers.
Well we are still working on names. Nothing is set as of yet, but we have a few in mind so we will decide on one soon enough.
We are so excited!!! But I must admit, even though I feel like I'm having a girl, and the u/s tech saw that it was a girl, I've had 3 dreams lately it turns out to be a boy! I think it's because last time everyone was having boys and we had Morganne and this time it's all girls and we are just bound to be different. Either way it would be great, just a shock! I'm so excited to get to go to softball games some day with you guys!!!! The poor girl though will have no chance at dating with all the boys in the family- and all in the same town! Ha! :cP